Embracing Vulnerability

3 benefits to embracing your vulnerable side

It is likely that most of us, by default, associate vulnerability with feelings of uncertainty, shame, or fear - that expressing such a thing opens the door to possible rejection, failure, abandonment. That the most ‘beneficial’ action for us to take is that of avoidance. No vulnerability, no problem. 

Unfortunately, we were taught wrong. Suppressing feelings of vulnerability actually prevents you from being able to process those not so ideal feelings. Much like anything in life, avoidance will not solve the underlying problem. The good news is that you can learn to embrace your vulnerability. 

What does it really mean to be vulnerable? 

“Vulnerability is the core, the heart, the center, of meaningful human experiences” 

- Brenē Brown 

You can’t describe vulnerability without uncertainty, emotional exposure, and risk. 

Without a doubt it is outright terrifying - facing your struggles, your shame, your fear, your lack of worthiness is no easy feat. The good news is that embracing your vulnerability actually leads to the opportunity to feel joy, belonging, and creativity. 

How is the practice of vulnerability good for me? 

Once you begin to embrace vulnerability, you will begin to see the power it holds. The benefits of embracing your vulnerability are endless. Here are 3 benefits to embracing your vulnerability - 

Connection and Authenticity. When you accept vulnerability as a tool instead of a weapon, you can create a deeper connection with yourself and others. It allows you to reveal your true self - your messy, mundane, kind,  imperfect self. Vulnerability reiterates that you are enough as you are - what you have to offer is exactly what is needed. 
Empathy and gratitude building. As you continue to embrace your authentic self, you will find that both your empathy and gratitude for others will blossom. This is because vulnerability allows you to unconditionally love with your whole heart. When you aren’t busy pushing your feelings away you can more easily connect with others as you support and understand one another's struggles or victories. 
Move through emotions. Oftentimes a lack of vulnerability is accompanied by assumptions and biases - when you release the need to fight your true feelings/emotions you will have a much easier time processing and accepting risk, uncertainty, and so on - the path for growth will be much more accessible now

How can I practice being vulnerable? 

It’s okay if you are having trouble tapping into your vulnerable side - it’s not something we are often encouraged to do and it can be quite intimidating. Here are a couple of tools you can apply to your everyday life that will make embracing your vulnerability a bit easier -

Observe your feelings/emotions. It may seem cliche, but a great first step is to pay more attention to what you are feeling day to day. When an emotion comes up, practice observing it without judgment - then decide how you’d like to address it. We tend to share emotions from the past, more so than in the present. The more comfortable you get taking the risk to share and express your feelings, the sooner you will get to experience the other side of it - joy, compassion, courage! 
Reflect on your values. Vulnerability coincides with your inherent worth. A good practice is taking the time to reflect on what values mean the most to you - maybe it’s compassion, integrity, kindness, or affection. Whatever they may be, leaning into them will help you align to your authentic self, thus expressing vulnerability will be much easier to embrace. 
Practice practice practice. Your willingness to step into a state of uncertainty and risk has the potential to transform your life. Once you’ve done the work to get to know yourself better and reflect on your emotions, you can start to practice vulnerability in real time. Perhaps your partner or friend has been hurting your feelings recently. Try sharing your emotions openly - self compassion will be necessary during this time. Sometimes you may not get the responses you’d hoped for or expected, but that’s okay! They are valuable stepping stones.

Vulnerability is an inevitable part of life whether we like to admit it or not and at times can be extremely difficult to embrace. Although you may want to avoid vulnerability initially, think about how rewarding it will feel to tap into your authentic self - to treat yourself with self compassion and honor your values. You deserve to live a genuinely fulfilling life.

growgood psychology has a team of therapists ready to walk with you as you embrace your vulnerable side. Whether you need guidance understanding what it means to be vulnerable or are looking for support as you begin to explore your values and feelings, our therapists are here to support you. Connect with us today to begin a new path towards healing!