How to Improve Body Image

How to Improve Body Image

“I wish I were skinnier.” 
“I wish I had more curves.” 
“I wish my abs looked like that.”

Do any of these statements sound familiar? Unfortunately, these kinds of thoughts are common for people of all ages and sizes. With the media's glamorization of a certain body type, it’s easy to get caught up in a cycle of comparison. These thoughts can cause us to build an unhealthy relationship with our bodies and feel stuck in a cycle of comparison. So what can we do to improve the way we see our bodies and fix our relationship with it? 

What is body image? 

Body image refers to the way you see yourself. Whether it’s the way you see yourself in the mirror or the way you imagine yourself to look like, the way you view yourself can greatly affect your mood and overall health. For example, if you’re constantly thinking negatively about your body, you might find yourself less happy with the way it looks and functions. This isn’t to say that you should completely ignore all health precautions regarding your body’s optimal functioning. But, health is more than just losing weight or going down a few clothing sizes. For some, being healthy can look like being able to do 50 more pushups than the week before. For others, being healthy can look like being able to get out of bed without assistance. Our bodies were meant to change over time, which also means the way it looks might change. This can be hard seeing our bodies change so much over time, but having a good relationship with our bodies is important. 

What can I do to improve body image? 

We get it, developing a more positive body image can be hard! The good news is that Here are 4 tips to help you embrace and honor your body: 

  1. Don’t get sucked into believing what the media shows: Social media is fake. With different angles, lighting, and poses, bodies can look far different than they do in real life. This isn’t to shame the bodies we see on social media, but rather, to take it with caution. Nowadays, there are several fitness influencers who will show a posed vs. unposed image to remind us that not everything we see on social media is real. It’s much appreciated and it shows how deceptive a photo can be. 

  2. Try to focus more on how your body performs, rather than what it looks like: Our bodies will change over time. But being healthy is so much more than looking the part. Instead of trying to look your best, try to feel your best. What would make your body feel good today? Is it an intense workout, or is it a gentle stretch during your lunch break? Even when it comes to meals, remember that balance is key. Our bodies will perform the best when we honor what it needs!

  3. Wear clothes that make you feel your best: Some outfits look great when you first put it on, but start to feel really uncomfortable throughout the day. Or, you might be trying to fit clothes you wore over a decade ago that no longer fit you correctly. This can make you feel worse about your body.  Finding clothes that make you feel comfortable and confident in your body might help improve your body image! Remember, wear your clothes- don’t let the clothes wear you!

  4. Be gentle with your mind and your body: Our bodies are constantly changing, so it’s important to meet our bodies with gentleness and kindness. Sometimes, we can be our own harshest critics. Approaching self-criticism with encouraging thoughts can help improve the relationship we have with our families. 

Is a positive body image really that important?

It might be hard to believe, but yes, it’s important! Having a positive body image can help us feel our best. When we develop a healthy relationship with our bodies, we learn to grow a deeper sense of self-love. Without it, we fall victim to becoming our harshest critics for things we can’t control. But in time, the same places we used to critique so harshly become filled with greater appreciation, leaving us with a better sense of self and gratitude. 

growgood psychology has a team of therapists ready to support you as you begin to develop a healthier relationship with your body. 

Body image is deeply personal and vulnerable. When met with the right support, the journey to developing a more positive body image can feel less daunting. Our team of therapists are ready to walk with you in that, whatever the journey might look like. Our therapists are here to support you through it all. Connect with us today to get started!