
Micro Current Neurofeedback

growgood psychology considers itself a holistic practice- finding interventions both traditional and alternative to initiate awareness, growth and connection.

For our Micro Current Neurofeedback model we use the work, training and machinery of IASIS Technologies. Our practitioners have been thoroughly trained on this approach and technique.

What is Micro Current Neurofeedback? 

Micro Current Neurofeedback (MCN) is an extremely low strength electrical current (microcurrent) that is highly effective in reducing the symptoms of:

  • anxiety

  • depression

  • post-traumatic stress disorder

  • attention deficit disorder

  • substance use

  • autism

  • concussions and traumatic brain injury

In addition to relieving psychiatric symptoms, MCN has also been used for optimizing brain health. Peak performers and high-level achievers have used MCN to help sharpen focus, stimulate motivation and creativity, and increase mental and emotional clarity. At the end of the day brain health is key-  it’s our mission command center- why wouldn’t we want it to be working at its highest potential?

MCN sends a low strength, imperceptible current to the brain, allowing it to re-organize itself and get out of frozen, stuck patterns. Utilizing the brain’s own neuroplasticity, individuals experience a more symptom-free, fulling, positive life.

MCN supports the brainwaves at two states: at rest, to become quieter, and at work, more flexible in their functioning. This involves measuring and recording electrical signals from the head region, and using the frequencies of those signals to guide the speed of a feedback signal.  The extremely weak electromagnetic pulses come from the EEG cables and will be neither visible nor “feel-able”.  The recorded EEG signals influence the electromagnetic feedback; and the feedback in turn, changes the quantity and frequency of the recorded brainwave signals.

This FDA-cleared treatment is a holistic, drug-free approach to combatting a number of symptoms and disorders.

Benefits of Micro Current Neurofeedback

The IASIS MCN system has been shown in clinical use to bring about significant improvements in a relatively brief process of therapy in physical and emotional rehabilitation.  

Clients have experienced the return of:

  • clarity

  • energy during the day

  • sleeping at night

  • a sense of humor

  • motivation and ease to get things done

  • memory

  • ability to read and listen with little or no distraction

  • attention/concentration improvements.

These are coupled with the reduction of some depression and anxiety symptoms such as:

low mood, irritability, racing heart, shortness of breath, agitation, brain fog, impatience, and poor distress tolerance.

What can I expect during a session?

The brainwave recording aspect of MCN requires some electrode gel to be applied to the skin on certain sites on the head where sensors are attached behind the ears- this helps to improve the quality of the recording.  A third sensor will then be pressed to your neck as the reference or ground, and two additional sensors are moved to other scalp sites. No invasive procedures are used. 

The equipment assesses a client's brainwaves - extremely faint electrical signals measured at discrete locations on the scalp.   After a short assessment of these brainwaves by a clinician, the equipment itself then generates extremely faint, battery-generated signals that the brain may respond to in beneficial ways.

During the sessions you will be asked to sit quietly.  You will not be asked to think of anything in particular- this is a passive intervention with little effort needed from the client.

You will be asked to keep track of any subtle shifts experienced during the session.

You will also be asked about your most prominent symptoms before treatment and how they change through the course of the session.

What to look for after a session? 

Take note of how long the relaxation, calmness, clarity, sharpness or other positive response lasts. Be aware of any changes for you in your day to day thoughts, feelings and behaviors. These changes could be emotionally responding differently or even behavioral changes. Are you bouncing back from a disagreement or setback quicker? Did you call a friend when you felt sad or overwhelmed, instead of isolating? Has your memory and cognitive functioning improved? Do you feel "sharper" than usual? You may still be reactive, but maybe the duration of the reaction is shorter, or the intensity is lower.

** It is important to remember that the intention is not to remove symptoms all together, but to reduce the duration, intensity frequency and overall impact of these symptoms. 

How long is the course of treatment? 

We require minimum of approximately 20 sessions for most people with sessions being twice per week- however this number and schedule can vary depending on the individual. You may require more than 20 sessions depending on your presenting problem, history and response to treatment. Initial improvements are temporary, and additional treatments are suggested so that improvements last longer.

Some clients need "tune ups" every 3- 6 months after the initial treatment protocol is complete.

The initial session after the fitness assessment may take 45-60 minutes. Follow up sessions may take 25-30 minutes. 

For additional information, contact our certified IASIS Micro Current Neurofeedback practitioner. Christina can be reached in San Diego at 858.291.0036.

For additional questions, information and research regarding Micro Current Neurofeedback San Diego please contact Christina directly 858.291.0036.

IASIS MCN: Micro Current Neurofeedback has been used with approximately 75,000 patients. Please visit the IASIS website for additional information.